You can change
- You can change yourself
- You can change the world
Everything is a system
- People, economies, politics, beliefs, incentives
- To understand the future, you must understand systems
- To change the future, you must change the systems that dictate it
Wrong ideas are meant to be killed
- Your beliefs initially come from parents, institutions, culture, friends
- Many of these ideas are not right for you
- Being able to kill the wrong ideas is a sign of maturity
- Wrong ideas for you can be right ideas for others
High openness, strong filter
- Learn from varied sources, even the revolting ones
- Form your beliefs by passing ideas through a strong filter
- Your filter should approximate your principles, and adjust them as needed
People are not meant to be the same
- Life with a homogeneous society would be boring and long-term damaging
- Celebrate and encourage diversity of thought
Energy is everything
- Energy powers you in your grand adventure
- Energy powers the world in its relentless advance
Success is hollow if you sacrifice your morals to achieve it
- Do not sacrifice your good nature in your pursuits
- It is lonely at the top if you step on others to get there
People are the hardest part
- Most pain in life comes from people, as does most joy
- You must deeply understand people to avoid pain and find joy